Friends and family WhatsApp scam moves over to SMS

The Friends and Family WhatsApp Scam Has Evolved into a Text Message Threat

A warning has been issued to UK residents about the latest version of the infamous “friends and family” scam. The scam, which was previously seen on WhatsApp, has now migrated to text messages and is targeting parents with fake messages claiming to be from their son or daughter, asking for financial help.

With the current cost of living crisis, it is not surprising that many people are relying heavily on their parents for financial help. Unfortunately, this makes them more susceptible to this latest version of the friends and family scam, which could result in even more victims.

According to reports, thousands of people have already been targeted by this scam, and the actual number is probably even higher as many cases of fraud often go unreported. Victims of fraud may feel embarrassed, anxious, and even depressed, leading them not to report the fraud to the relevant authorities.

It is essential to always report any fraud or suspicious activity to the relevant authorities. This will increase the chance of the fraudster being caught and help the authorities to increase their knowledge.

How It Works

The friends and family text message scam is a form of fraud that targets parents and guardians. The scam starts with a text message from a number claiming to belong to a person’s son or daughter. The message begins by claiming that the sender has lost their phone and now has a new number.

The next step is where the fraudster begins to lay the groundwork for their scam. They will create a fake emergency that requires immediate financial assistance. For example, they may claim to need a new washing machine or to pay outstanding debts. In some cases, the message may be more elaborate and emotional, making it more difficult for the victim to resist.

It is important to note that these emergencies are entirely fabricated and designed to extract money from unsuspecting victims. The fraudsters will often use emotional tactics, such as making the message appear urgent and desperate, to convince the recipient to send money.

Monetary Losses

Unfortunately, the exact amount lost to this type of scam is difficult to determine, as many fraud cases often go unreported. However, experts estimate that different types of scams and frauds annually cause the global loss of billions of pounds.

When it comes to the friends and family text message scam, the average amount lost by each victim varies greatly. In some cases, victims may only lose a few hundred pounds, while in others, they could lose thousands.

It is crucial to remember that all fraud is significant and can have an impact on a person’s financial situation. This is why it is essential to be vigilant and to report any suspicious activity to the relevant authorities. Working together, we can help to reduce the number of victims and the financial losses caused by this scam.

There are some simple steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of this scam:

  1. Call the actual number you have for your son or daughter and verify that the message is genuine.
  2. Review the language in the message. Does it sound like your son or daughter?
  3. Never send money to a bank account that isn’t in your son’s or daughter’s name.

The friends and family text message scam is a serious issue that requires the attention of UK residents. It is crucial to be aware of this scam and to take the necessary precautions to avoid becoming a victim. Remember, if you suspect any fraud, report it to the relevant authorities immediately. The fight against fraud starts with increasing fraud awareness and reporting suspicious activity. Let’s work together to stop fraudsters in their tracks and keep our families and friends safe.

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